See and hear the results directly from people who are currently in or have been in my Transformational Mentorships.

👇🏼 Watch Testimonial Highlights Below

"Brian, it works man! Your Method works.. You gave me the tools now to then do work on those feelings! Its amazing!"

- Pete

"... This is the first time in my life where I think someone really understands me..."

- Lisa

"Very profound experience for me.. this breathwork allowed me to tap into my body in a way I have not been able to"

- Lisa

Amy's Testimonial

"There's a lot of things out there that are trying to touch on this subject [healing childhood trauma].. not many people know what to do with it, not many people know how to do it deeply and quickly as your coaching and programs.

I feel much more calmer... not need to be doing and chasing."

Kathleen's Testimonial

"I've done EMDR, IFS, CBT, tons of other therapies and modalities, and I was never able to get unstuck from this traumatic memory until I started working with you.... you are the how to the what of healing."

Rachel's Testimonial

"Being able to address them so quickly and get to the root was an experience I've never had before was incredible!

I could not imagine being where I am now and the peace that I feel without having done your program!"

Anusha's Testimonial

"I absolutely hate coaching... its a lot of blabla... but with only 10-15 minute sessions interacting with you in the group calls, that was enough to tackle the self worth trauma that I wasn't able to do with so much other work I've done before."

Jay's Testimonial

"In just 2 weeks I was able to get to the root of my issues that I spent 2 years with a therapist to try to work on."

Olga's Testimonial

"I've gained the confidence to talk about my feelings and what matters to me... I now know to protect myself, how to soothe myself and love myself... this is something very deep and I highly recommend it, I'm so grateful to work with you!"

Marianne's Testimonial

Iris's Testimonial

"I can't believe that working with a Brian over half way around the world could change my life this much... it's been some of the best money I've ever invested! I've experienced a level of zen that I've never experienced before."

More Testimonials!

"..Small side update my relationship with my husband has been so much better. We are close again and we talk as if we never lost communication. I’m not sure we’ve ever been this good.."

- Melissa

"...But now that I've worked with Brian, who helped me soothe my core wounds and feel a sense of self worth regardless of anything I achieved.. undoing the attachment schema was a piece of cake..

Brian's work goes straight to where it is needed most and sets such a strong foundation for so many other types of healing too. Thanks Brian!"

- Amy

"...First time I've EVER been able to tell the little boy in me that I loved him"

- Richard

"That class was just amazing!!! I didn't have any expectations and I was blown away... truly remarkable and I look forward to the next one.."

- Jamie

"Once again. my mind is blown away at the impact this work is having on my inner self.. Thank you for everything you do!"

- Chris

"..I was seeing a therapist but knew that I was not receiving the tools that I needed to resolve some deep traumas. I cancelled that therapy program and joined Brian's Self Mastery University.. in ONE session alone I gained more than I did in 4 months with the previous therapist! It was what I needed for the longest time but didn't know how or where to find it."

- (Privacy request)

"...I want to thank Brian for teaching this inner child work, I've done some inner child work previously but I had no clue how deep it was until I started to do his work...."

- Mona

Are you ready to start your journey?