Who is Brian?

After spending almost a lifetime in toxic relationships (including family), anxious-avoidant, pleaser-narcissist, savior-victim traps and more, I began to ask myself the most important question..

"Why am I attracting these relationships into my life?" "Why does this keep repeating?"

I then began to learn about my own traumas and wounding. And that my "toxic" partners were just the other side of trauma bonding coin - both of us equally insecure, wounded and hurt.

I began a long journey hiring therapists, coaches, going to seminars, doing energy healing, shamanic healing, taking insane plant medicines and brutally looking into my darkness that I didn't even know was there. A lot of it didn't work, but some of it did.

What I discovered is that no 1 technique or modality works by itself. It's the integration of the best parts together that allowed me to go deep into myself and heal. Many times I felt like I was going to die. But through the darkness I reemerging into the light like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

Through this journey, I spent over $231,568 to figure out the science and art of healing and transforming myself. I never envisioned myself ever helping people in this journey, I just wanted to heal myself and move on. But as I began transforming and connecting more to my heart, the desire to be of service to others emerged. It also became clear that what I had learned and healed in myself was a very rare asset that I could use to help people in a profound way.

And so I developed an organic and intuitive approach to coaching. On the cognitive side, deep intuition and pattern recognition of client's challenges. On the emotional and subconscious side, somatic work, neurolinguistic programming, hypnosis, meditation and breathwork to guide clients into the deepest parts of themselves to reprocess and heal the toughest emotional pains often carried since childhood.

I call my system of healing "SIBS" which stands for Somatic work, Inner child work, Breathwork and Support. Each component has subcomponent to them, it is a very deep system surpassing what client's have experienced before with therapy and other programs.

In reality, it doesn't matter what certificates, licenses and degrees one collects to prove they can help people... a person can only take you as deep as they've gone within themselves. And thats ultimately what distinguishes me from others.

This process of healing and transformation is the journey that I take clients through now. And I welcome the opportunity to be a part of your journey, in the same way many have been a part of mine



Are You Ready For A Life Transformation?

My coaching and programs are only available to the right candidates that are serious, committed and willing to invest in this work. If you're ready to do the work and get life changing results, apply now.